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Become a Partner: Host an AmeriCorps Member

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BAYAC AmeriCorps aims to develop emerging leaders to strengthen Bay Area communities. We are seeking host sites to provide full-time positions at local schools and non-profit community-based organizations, where the AmeriCorps Members can provide direct services in the areas of academic engagement, after school enrichment, youth development, and/or volunteer coordination.

If your school or agency would like to be considered as a partner host site that has a direct service position for 40-hrs/wk, provide a site supervisor as a professional mentor, and have a supportive & caring environment with a growth mindset, please reach out to us. There is a cash match requirement per AmeriCorps member requested to contribute to their service stipend. We would love to connect with you about partnership for a service term. 

Host Site Responsibilities include:

  • Co-supervision of AmeriCorps Member with BAYAC staff supervisor

  • Participate in 3 site meeting sessions with their Member as facilitated by BAYAC staff

  • Approve weekly service timecard hours in program portal

  • Complete 3 feedback forms for each Member through the year

  • Pay a cash match amount towards Member stipend

mission graduates
huckleberry youth programs
youth spirit artworks
youth art exchange
alameda county office of education
oakland unified
new school sf
ucsf benioff
west contra costa
summit k2
home away
chapter 510
Berkeley High School
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