Become a Partner: Host an AmeriCorps Member
BAYAC AmeriCorps aims to develop emerging leaders to strengthen Bay Area communities. We are seeking host sites to provide full-time positions at local schools and non-profit community-based organizations, where the AmeriCorps Members can provide direct services in the areas of academic engagement, after school enrichment, youth development, and/or volunteer coordination.
If your school or agency would like to be considered as a partner host site that has a direct service position for 40-hrs/wk, provide a site supervisor as a professional mentor, and have a supportive & caring environment with a growth mindset, please reach out to us. There is a cash match requirement per AmeriCorps member requested to contribute to their service stipend. We would love to connect with you about partnership for a service term.
Host Site Responsibilities include:
Co-supervision of AmeriCorps Member with BAYAC staff supervisor
Participate in 3 site meeting sessions with their Member as facilitated by BAYAC staff
Approve weekly service timecard hours in program portal
Complete 3 feedback forms for each Member through the year
Pay a cash match amount towards Member stipend